About Me

Nutrition Coach

Join the Wellness Revolution!

The Fit Method with Mandy » About

Through my Fit Method, you will learn to make sustainable healthy habits while still enjoying food and living life!

My Story

I’m Mandy Teply, a 41-year-old certified nutrition and fitness coach on a mission to empower and inspire! I’m a busy mom with four amazing children and am lucky to be married to my best friend, Russ! I bring over 12 years of experience in the nutrition and fitness coaching industry. I started out as a personal trainer and quickly realized that nutrition was a huge piece of the puzzle when it came to losing weight and gaining muscle mass. This encouraged me to get certified as a nutrition coach through Precision Nutrition to continue to help my clients achieve the best possible results! 

For the last several years, I’ve been able to help so many more people by going online with my coaching! I have found my passion is helping busy women just like myself transform their bodies and lives through nutrition and exercise! As a busy working mom, I know just how hard it can be to find time for yourself and your health! Trying to fit in a workout and find childcare at the same time can be next to impossible some days! As far as nutrition goes, there are so many confusing messages out there about this or that diet. Trying to weed through the information and find what works for your body and lifestyle can seem daunting! 

Growing up in the 90’s, I thought being healthy meant doing tons of cardio and eating fat-free foods! This was also a period when the ideal female body type was that of a skinny supermodel. It was physically impossible for me to attain this, and it eventually led me down the path of disordered eating. Without support, I was on my own to figure out how to eat healthily. There was not enough education available about nutrition, and strength training for women was non-existent! It wasn’t until my late twenties that I discovered the power of lifting weights, and from there, I was on a quest to devour as much information as I could about eating to fuel my body instead of restricting food. I started to love my body for what it could do and how strong and fit I became! 

Now that I’m in my forties, my lifestyle and body are changing, and I’m focused on eating to also balance my hormones and live a long, healthy life! My hope is to educate as many women as possible on the power of nutrition and exercise and show them how they can transform their own health! 

I want to help you unlock your full potential and make the transformation you’ve been dreaming about! Let’s embark on a journey together towards a healthier, fitter you!

My Values & Beliefs

Empowerment through Knowledge and Support

I believe in empowering individuals with knowledge and unwavering support, unlocking their potential to make informed choices, and fostering lasting health transformations and personal growth.

Holistic Wellness for Lifelong Transformation

My commitment is to holistic wellness, guiding individuals on a transformative journey that extends beyond physical changes, ensuring lifelong well-being in mind, body, and spirit.

Positive Relationships with Food

Cultivating positive relationships with food is at our core. I advocate for mindful, joyful eating, helping individuals break free from restrictive habits and embrace nourishment with pleasure and balance.

My Approach

In my coaching approach, I blend personalized guidance, education, and unwavering support to empower individuals on their unique wellness journey. My method encompasses a holistic view, addressing nutrition, exercise, and mindset. Through customized workout programs, nutritional guidance, and a comprehensive online course hub, clients receive the tools for sustainable health transformations. 

Accountability is key, with regular check-ins, personalized feedback, and 24/7 access for continuous support. I believe in fostering positive relationships with food, steering away from restrictive habits, and embracing nourishment with joy. Join me on The Fit Method, where empowerment, education, and transformation converge for a healthier, fitter you.

Mandy sitting in a chair with a laptop
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